Living my best life

Remember when you had things to do? Anyway, I thought I would share this with you: Instagram influencer, Shanelle Kerrigan’s latest messages to her followers following on from Priti Patel’s hate-splash in the House of Commons re what is essential travel ie. Not going to the Middle East to hang out in a bikini. * So super necessary! It's super Tuesday! Hey guys, love to all the Kerrifam out there. So good to hear from you all. We gotta stay connected to get through this, girlz and boys. 💕 So many of you have been asking me about the bikini I was wearing yesterday by the infinity pool. I guess it must be getting warmer back there in the UK which is super cool. If you like the bikini then check out the link below for a cheaper version you might be able to afford and that comes in your sizes. It’s so hot out here in Dubai that most days I have to leave the pool area and do some work inside. Today I tried a complete treatment for my forehead after those lovely people from F...