Covid-19 vs. Christian Science - there can be only one winner!
28th March 2020
The things I
do, for you my loyal readers… I know more than I would like about the voting
record of Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick, more than enough about Pierce
Brosnan’s sartorial beach choices, and now, on your behalf, far too much about
how the Christian Science community are going to survive this pandemic with
It pains me, slightly, to admit, but this morning I
watched all 12 minutes and 31 seconds of Michelle Nanouse’s Christian Science
video, on their website, entitled ‘Finding your immunity from disease.’
Michelle explains that, “Jesus’ practice included healing.
It also included spiritual defence from contagion.” Well, I am familiar with
the Bible passages where Jesus heals the sick but I’m a bit fuzzy on the bit
where he laid his hand on a heathen’s head and said, ‘Go forth, Covid-19, and
leave this man in peace.’
Michelle quotes Mary Baker Eddy, founder of Christian
Science, in her talk to the congregation: “Many a hopeless case is induced not
by infection nor from contact with material virus but from the fear of the
disease.” Now, I don’t know about you, but I’m wondering where is all the
science in this Christian Science talk?
Michelle goes on to explain that contagion is “mental
rather than physical,” which will be a relief for someone suffering from severe
respiratory failure: ‘It’s all in your (dumb, atheist) mind, stoopid! Just
imagine some of Jesus’ oxygen filling your lungs and you’ll be out of the ICU
in no time…’
Prayer, says spiritual advocate, Michelle, offers
“immunity to disease.” So, it will be interesting to check the data at the end
of this thing for how different communities are affected. I’m going to place a
little side bet, here, that the Christian Science community, who will not
accept medical treatment of any kind, not even an aspirin, are going to suffer
some rather catastrophic losses to their congregations.
Let’s make an analogy: imagine you are on a ship in a
storm and the ship strikes a rock, putting a hole in its hull. As it sinks,
your instinct is to find a life-vest and get on a lifeboat. Now imagine your
religion forbids you to accept life-saving devices because you think prayers
help you float.
The lifeboats make their way down into the water,
people begging you and your children to join them but you remain steadfast with
your faith. Your children look to you in wonderment, their little terrified
eyes beseeching you to act. You pat them on the head and make them kneel down
next to you, hands in prayer, as the cold water rises over your knees. Soon,
you are in the water, wet clothes pulling you down. A lifeboat stays nearby, calling
to you, holding out an oar, as your children start to panic, gulping water. You
remain steadfast: drowning is simply a lack of faith, a weakness in the soul’s
connection to the love of God. After all: prayer makes you float; Red Bull
gives you wings; Esso puts a tiger in your tank; and Opal Fruits – made to make
your mouth water.
Let’s get back to Michelle: “The theology of Christian
Science lifts one above fear of disease to safety and security.”
Is she imagining a Christian Science child with asthma
as she speaks these words? Will she be full of Christian pride if she has
fortified the spirit of Deshawn’s mother against the evil ventilator that might
save his lung-ravaged life? Oh, the power of love!
Well, Jesus did say, ‘suffer little children’ (Matthew
19: 13-15) but this is out of context and the full verse is ‘Suffer little
children to come unto me,’ meaning ‘allow dem little folk to come over here.’
And if we want to get all Christian fundamentalist
about the Bible and take every single word to be true then what does this
passage teach us?
Kings 2:23-24
“[Elisha] went up from there to Bethel; and
while he was going up on the way, some small boys came out of the city and
jeered at him, saying, ‘Go away, baldhead! Go away, baldhead!’ When he turned
around and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the Lord. Then two she-bears
came out of the woods and mauled forty-two of the boys.”
It just tells me that Elisha was a little
over-sensitive about his follicly-challenged bonce. The next verse does not
(but really ought to) continue like this:
“And yea, Elisha did laugh and dance
upon the fleshy pieces of the boys, for God had spoken and his word was: don’t
fucking mess with Elisha!”
Now, I am not in any way against religion and actually
there are some scientific studies that showed patients who knew they
were being prayed for have better recovery rates from illness or operation.
However, there is no reason prayer cannot be used alongside medicine in
treating the ill; the two things are not mutually exclusive.
Let’s see what real-life examples Michelle can find to
bolster her argument:
“…people like Florence Nightingale…could work in
contagious environments without sinking under disease…that when one is
motivated by love, divine love…we can do whatever it is our duty to do without
fear or harm.”
Hmm, let’s check this out. After a quick search, I find
the following about Florence Nightingale on the Washington Times website:
‘The World Book Encyclopedia says she caught “Crimean
fever” during a visit to the front lines and almost died. The reference book
also says the “strain of overwork and her Crimean illness injured her health,
and she became a semi-invalid and seldom left her rooms” for the next 40 years.
Her condition fluctuated between satisfactory and critical. Her mind wandered,
and she was unable to concentrate. Over the next year, she complained of spinal
pain, insomnia, nervousness and depression,” the case study said.’
Again, the
power of divine love in action! Or weak, weak Nightingale – your shoddy little
soul and feeble prayers were to blame. For good measure, there is evidence
Florence was bipolar. If only she had listened to the ‘wise words’ of Mary
Michelle goes on to say that, “Prayer in Christian
Science accomplishes what material methods cannot do.”
It’s at this point that I would like to arrange a
meet-up so Boris can plant a kiss on Michelle’s prayer-protected lips, hand her
a ventilator and a bottle of oxygen and see which bit of Christian and Science
will accomplish the banishing of the virus inside her: the Christian prayer or
the Science equipment?
With the infection of Boris and the prayer-immunity of
communities like the Christian Science brigade, I think the coronavirus has really
earnt its own tagline:
‘Covid-19: thinning the herd, one idiot at a time.’
Latest data for the UK (as of 11pm):
Infected: 17,089
Deaths: 1,019
Celebrity Deaths: 0
People I know who are infected: 1
Song of the Day: ‘Life During Wartime’ – Talking Heads
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