League of Nations: Part 3

Thursday, 30th April 2020 Nobody on this list now comes out of this with anything other than shit-stained socks. What we are really looking at is degrees of ineptitude and what separates the supremely incompetent from the willfully obstructive. There's just never been a better time to look at the world's leaders and feel your faith in good governance wither and die. Brazil: 7th Waited to Act: 8 Country Run by a Man: 9 Leader Shakes Hands: 7 Sarcastic Bleach Ingestion Jokes: 0 Started the Whole Shitshow by Eating a Pangolin: 0 Made Decisions Based on the Economy (instead of saving lives): 8 Total: 32 FAAAAT FAAAAAAAAAAAACT!!!!!!!: Last weekend, Jair Bolsonaro took part in an anti-lockdown protest. Yep, the leader of Brazil advocates doing fuck-all and then turning a violent shade of purple when your lungs burst like punctured footballs as his official respon...