The Great Big Amazing Fun Have You Been Paying Attention Quiz

Thursday 29 th October 2020 Remember when winter was tempered by the promise of Christmas shopping and mulled cider inside a Nordic tent in Brighton’s lanes, and a quick shag in the toilets at your Xmas do with that colleague who just looks more and more attractive with every Jagermeister you shovel down your dry old turkey neck? Ah, those were the days… * But fear not, fun-lovers. Let me enliven your day with a quiz. If you have been consuming the news with all the relish of a vegan downing a cup of warm goat’s blood then this is for you. Make sure you check the end results to see which kind of person you are. 1) You are Boris Johnson and your phone pings with a message from Marcus Rashford, asking you very politely if you would reconsider your refusal to give out free lunch meals during the Christmas holidays. You know, so the kids with newly unemployed and furloughed mums and dads don’t starve to death watching Frozen 2 this winter. ...